The iPhone App Store has added an e-book category, with around 170 listings, mostly public domain books selling for 99 cents.You can also find software such as Stanza, eReader, BookShelf or iBCP.

Hmm. You never know who just might be reading the TeleBlog—people here first broached this topic several weeks ago. Now there should be less clutter elsewhere in the store, and e-books and related software should be easier to find. Smart move, Apple! I wonder if Google will do the same with the forthcoming Android Market.

Meanwhile thanks to Hadrien at Feedbooks for the tip.

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  1. Um, no. This is not news. It was added by request of AppEngines or in response to App Store users who considered the AppEngines public domain ebooks as “clutter.” The category was there within a week or two of the App Store’s debut.

    What I find interesting in looking at it now is this listing:

    Is *everyone* developing their own damned ebook reader software now?

    I also note new manga (which calls for a new post on my blog now):

    (Sorry if this gets posted 2x. Teleread is having server problems at the moment!)

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