PepperPadI noted the lack of e-book promo for the PepperPad. But one can hope. The CEO of Pepper Computer is Len Kawell, who, along with his wife, Mary Ellen Heinen, cofounded Glassbooks–from which Adobe picked up some e-book technology after buying the company.

A few details from Mass High Tech:

Lexington-based Pepper Computer Inc. not only brews the Mozilla- and Java-based software (layered over a Linux operating system) but it actually builds a computer, albeit through a contract manufacturer, California’s Solectron Corp., in a facility in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Could Pepper Computer become the next home cooked Wang or Digital Equipment Corp.?

The 25-person, founder-funded computer company started in 2002 and it just launched its device, the Pepper Pad, May 19. The company employs 15 people in one location in Lexington and the rest are spread throughout New England.

The device is not quite as small as your handheld or your cell phone but it’s not as bulky as your laptop. It looks like a notebook computer without the flap.

You could say it compares more with the breadbox in its length and width (12 by 6.6 inches) and more like a few slices of bread (0.8 inches) in its depth.

It weighs in at 2.3 pounds and has an 8.4-inch display for viewing web pages and movies.


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