readingwheel.jpgFrom the listing of web application on the Apple iPhone site:  With TextOnPhone, iPhone and iPod touch users can view electronic books (ebooks), text files, and documents on the go using an iPhone-friendly interface when browsing No additional applications or downloads are required. Users can instantly read and choose from more than 20,000 titles by utilizing the powerful search function or by browsing through recommendations (Top 100 Books, Children’s Books, Book du Jour, and more). The interface of the iPhone and iPod touch enables users to create read lists and add multiple books for simultaneous reading. (The system remembers where you left off.) Users can also add and share personal notes on any of the pages they are reading–a unique feature that gives multiple readers the opportunity to read same book and exchange comments. leverages Ajax technology and the Safari browser that is built in to iPhone and iPod touch. It features the following: virtual keyboard for typing and adding books to read lists, tap-screen technology for moving between pages, One-tap Share the Page button for email, adjustable font size for easy reading, variable number of pages per screen Portrait or Landscape mode for easy reading, and Touch-screen scrolling. The site is accessible for reading only from iPhone and iPod touch. It is accessible from any browser for uploading texts, books, poems, documents, and lyrics. Currently there is no limit for text storage per account. Service is free and has a no spam policy.


  1. Unfortunately, the real downside is that you need an active web connection for this to work. It would be far, far better to have a dedicated application for reading e-books on the iPhone and iPod touch, especially if you could store e-books on the device. TextOnPhone would not work if offline, which is pretty much mandatory if you want any kind of decent battery life out of your device.

    Here’s hoping that when the iPhone/iPod touch SDK is released sometime this month, one of the first apps made available will be a native e-book reader!

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