image “More than 8,500 libraries powered by OverDrive will soon be able to offer eBooks in the EPUB format, along with more than 150,000 titles in audiobook, eBook, music, and video formats, many of which are compatible with both Mac and iPod.” – News release.

The TeleRead take: Now what about ePub being readable from libraries via patrons’ use of Stanza or the next-generation of eReader on the iPhone?  Libraries want young people to read more, and this would be one way to do it. Kindle-readable library books would be nice, too, though I’d prefer that this happen through ePub. That still, of course, leaves open the ticklish issue of proprietary DRM.

Detail: At least in Cleveland, patrons will have the power to adjust the lending periods of their e-books—allowing fast readers to check out more books.

Related: Cleveland Public Library now offers downloads in ePub. 

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