image Over the weekend, Nate the Great told us how he’d found an HP 320LX, which supported “DRMed Mobipocket and eRreader, as well as PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT. Plus, it comes with pocket versions of Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint.” The cost for careful eBay shoppers? Perhaps $60 with shipping.

I followed up with a post titled Super-cheap E: Got less than $100 to spend on a gizmo that can read e-books? Or maybe just $50? Best choice?

Now Nate’s augmented it with a handy little guide to a bunch of other econo-gizmos from HP. I’d encourage people to keep commenting away with new facts. You just might be helping a budget-strapped surfer somewhere, perhaps even in a developing country.

Related: Also see Ficbot’s TeleBlog review of the Asus Eee, which costs $300 and up in various models but obviously can do more than the super-cheap machines.

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  1. Um, David. I’m not Nate Anderson. That’s someone else. While I have no problem being given credit for his work, he might.

    If you look at the email I use to post here, you will see my last name. I generally don’t use it where it might be picked up by search engines.

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