Ficly logoThe day I mentioned in my “requiem” has finally come: any visitor to will be redirected to the blog announcement of its closure. However, all is not lost.

Kevin Lawver, the original creator of Ficlets, has gotten his “ficlets memorial” up and running—all stories and comments from the site are preserved there in their original format. Those who were unable to back their own ficlets up can rest assured they were still preserved.

But that’s not all. Lawver is in the process of creating a new site, called, that will serve as a “Ficlets 2.0” after it has been completed. While not everybody likes the name, it should at least allow the ficlets community to continue from where it left off (literally, in some cases) once it is up and running.

Ficly is expected to be ready in perhaps a couple of months. In the meanwhile, there is a form on the site to leave email addresses for notification of when it is ready to launch. More details can be found on Kevin Lawver’s blog.


  1. Jason Garber deserves a lot of the credit for pushing us to do ficly. He’s driving the project at the moment while I’m busy with work commitments. He got the folks at Viget Labs to donate their time and talents to the design, and he’s also recruited his own CTO to help with coding! He was ficlets’ original front-end developer, and I’m thrilled to be able to work with him again.

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