Now selling digital audio books are both Fictionwise and its affiliate FW’s best-seller in audio: Mars Is Heaven, by Ray Bradbury. Didn’t see an equivalent audio list at KnowBetter.

Congrats to KnowBetter on the new store, by the way. But my favorite place there remains the library, where you can borrow modern e-books without worrying about ephemeral e-book formats.


  1. The KnowBetter library looks interesting. This is something where I could finally see myself getting into eBooks. $20 a year is a reasonable cost (unlike $15 per month that one particular music “library” charges) and I could easily justify that much.

    Now if only I had access to a good quality, affordable ebook reader…

  2. Hi, Arb. Check out eBay auction for a Sony NX60 PDA with a 320X480 screen. I got mine for around $130. It runs Mobipocket, the format that Knowbetter offers. This is hardly the ultimate e-reading device but will give you a good value for your money. Caveat: My taste in handhelds may not be the same as yours, so please find out more. – David

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