All about e-books, from Computing, is a handy article for novices.

Pros: Nice overview. Plain English. Show it to the friend you’re trying to convert.

Cons: Inaccurate on a few details. Mobipocket Publisher is not truly Open eBook compliant, as Jon Noring, main founder of the OpenReader, who helped develop the Open eBook specs, can verify. Still, I’m glad to see Mobipocket mentioned. Commendably the article does mention the copyright restrictions that come with e-books. However, it would have been nice if the author had gotten to the point and said, “Bottom line is that you can’t own e-books for real, given the uncertainties of formats and DRM.”

(Found via

“Must” tip for novices: Blackmask so far remains the most convenient site for downloading public domain e-books in a variety of formats.


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