9780575082755.thumbnail.jpgGot an email from The Book Depository about a free e-book it’s offering, James Barclay’s Dawn Thief (unfortunately in PDF only). It looks like an interesting site. Based in the UK, the people behind it are booksellers, but the thing that caught my eye was this statement: … we are also able to arrange the reprint of over 300,000 out of print titles which again we can dispatch from Gloucester within 48 hours.

Now that would be a real service, to reprint out of print titles and then offer them as e-books.


  1. For people based in the US who want UK only published print books, Book Depository has been a godsend since it offers free and fast shipping to the US – and other parts of the world, check their website for coverage – and good prices.

    I have been using it extensively since it launched in 2006 – only this year and I bought from them over 30 books and they arrive within a week by and large.

    If they move to offer e-books in a way or another that would be a great thing.

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