
That’s according to The Bookseller.

HarperCollins has said it is “not ruling out” implementing the e-book library lending model in the UK its US partner has initiated, which allows library users to borrow its e-books only 26 times. …

Publishers Association c.e.o. Richard Mollet said a “balance” had to be struck between the concerns of libraries and the profitability of publishers. He pointed out in the same way books “come to the end of their life” and have to be replaced, the HC model ensures the license can be renewed “in my understanding, at a lower rate”.

Phil Bradley, vice-president of CILIP, said HC’s move was a “big concern”. He objected to Mollet’s reasoning, saying it was “patently not the case” that a book would become unusable so quickly, stating a paperback can be “loaned at least 40 times, a hardback more than that”.


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