harry-potter-film-wizardry-sPaidContent reports on a Harry Potter multimedia e-book app from ScrollMotion, Harry Potter Film Wizardry, that at $12.99 is one of the more expensive book apps in the iPad store. Timed to coincide with the release of the latest movie, it includes behind-the-scenes looks at the filming of the movies, trivia, and other information. Packed with multimedia, it takes up almost 1 gigabyte of device space. Despite the price, it comes in at #3 in the iPad Book Apps store. But as big as the Harry Potter fandom is, this really isn’t a great surprise.

Though I haven’t looked at the Harry Potter book, it does put me in mind of the Portal 2 e-magazine I reviewed in May. Multi-media appbooks like this, if you can really call them “books” anymore, seem to be one of the killer apps for the iPad, a way that it is able to differentiate itself from the more static, less colorful screens of e-ink readers. (But the Nook Color and the purported Amazon tablet may soon narrow that gap.)


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