movie.jpgAny scribe or scribbler looking to get ahead in the screenwriting business and tap into the floods of money sluicing down those old LA storm drains could do worse than look at some of the best representatives of recent filmscript practice. But how to do it? Well, that’s where Indiewire comes in. They explain it this way, so you can safely lay your fears to rest about their subhead: “Get your free scripts here! Download ’em while they’re still legal”…

One upside of awards season is that studios often share scripts for awards contenders in hopes it will bolster their shot at nominations. One fringe benefit of this practice: it gives screenwriters (or aspiring screenwriters) a chance to analyze the craft that goes into a thriller like “Gone Girl” or a tearjerker like “The Fault in Our Stars.”

All this, of course, is part of the leadup to the 87th Academy Awards, due to take place on February 22nd, 2015. So thanks be to Hollywood for seeding the creative sector this way, and providing aspirants with a few templates to follow. And if anyone wants to see Indiewire’s tips for the 2015 Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar, they’re here


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