Over at Publishing Perspectives, Hannah Johnson reports on a panel at the recent Tokyo International Book Fair where publishers discussed ebooks in Japan. It’s an interesting look at what some publishers think, especially if you’ve read Robin Birtle’s Innovation in the Japanese eBook Market that we posted last week.

From Johnson’s report:

One of the roadblocks to developing Japan’s e-book market lies in the usability of e-book stores and devices, according to Fujio Noguchi, Senior General Manager of Sony’s Digital Reading Business Division. Noguchi said currently, customers are confused about where to buy e-books and how to get that content on their devices. For this reason, Sony has formed a partnership with Kinokuniya (the largest bookstore chain in Japan) and Panasonic in order to create a seamless customer experience when buying and reading e-books on a variety of devices. In this way, Noguchi said, “we hope we can cultivate the market further.”

You can read the full post at Publishing Perspectives.

(Photo: Rollofunk)


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