kindleshiptimesThe Kindle E-Book and Amazon blog has charted estimates of the average Kindle arrival times associated with order dates. The numbers come from this thread within the Amazon Kindle forum pages: Where do you live, when did you order, and when did it arrive?

“One takeaway,” the blog says, “is that if you’re buying a Kindle you might as well order an Amazon Kindle now since it takes approximately six weeks to arrive. The other big takeaways are:

1. It’ll take approximately between 35 and 50 days to get your Kindle.

2. The median is around 40-44 days so 6 weeks approximately.

3. Taking standard shipping instead of 2 day and/or Next Day could be a delay of as much as 5-6 days.

4. If you did take 1 or 2 day shipping and they don’t deliver in that time period, sk for a refund since Amazon has been giving people refunds on shipping when asked.

5. The delay is predominantly due to the E Ink screen not being available fast enough.

6. Everyone who gets the Kindle seems to love it and write ‘its worth the wait’.

7. The forums are great to check on how other people are doing.

8. If you adjust your shipping speed that will likely reset your place and put you at the bottom of the list. So – try not to ;)

9. You should be getting a shipping soon notice approximately 5 to 7 days before your estimated ship date. If you don’t, get in touch with Kindle Support.”

Thanks to the guy behind The Kindle blog for his time-consuming effort.

Moderator’s note: Click here for another way of viewing the information. Thanks again to the Kindle e-book and Amazon blog.

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