amazon_kindle_fireThree quick Kindle stories courtesy of our sister blog Gadgetell:

Office-supply store Staples is going to carry the new line of Kindles. It will have the $79 low-end Kindle with Special Offers available on October 8th, and will add the Kindle Touch ($99 Special Offers and $139 ad-free), Touch 3G, and Fire in November. The Kindle Keyboard with Special Offers will also remain available at its $99 price point.

The Amazon Fire will have 100 exclusive digital graphic novels available from DC, including titles such as Watchmen, Superman: Earth One, and Batman: Arkham City that have never been digitally available before. It’s not clear from the press release how long this exclusivity will last before the comics are made available to anyone who can use a Comixology app. (Indeed, I get the feeling that “exclusively” may be hyperbole, given that the press release itself talks about having them available via the Kindle Store, which would mean even people with PCs should be able to buy them.)

If you were, like myself, not fortunate enough to be at the Amazon press conference event on Wednesday, you can now watch it via a YouTube video posting from Amazon. It’s rather low-resolution and blurry at 360P, and starts with a gratuitous user-testimonial Kindle commercial that drags on for two and a half minutes!, and we already know all about the products Jeff Bezos discusses, but it is still worth watching to just see Bezos try to be Steve Jobs.


  1. If anything’s gratuitous, it’s the suggestion that Jeff Bezos is trying to “be Steve Jobs” instead of his own studied and persuasive self.

    And no model of Kindle comes with “Special Officers” unless the FBI is interested in your reading material.

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