wikert Doesn’t it drive you nuts when a company makes it simple to buy but difficult to cancel or return your purchase? Amazon prides itself on customer service and rightfully so. Then again, I’ve never tried to return anything to them so I’m not sure how difficult that would be…

If you ever decide to cancel your Kindle magazine or blog subscriptions prepare yourself for something other than a 1-click operation. In fact, even though the Kindle is touted as PC-free, your computer will come in handy when you look to cancel a Kindle subscription.

As Harry McCracken notes in this PC World article, it’s difficult (at best) to cancel a subscription on the Kindle. This is a very unfortunate design flaw and something that Amazon needs to fix sooner rather than later.

Cancellation policy: AOL redux?

It’s sad to think that Amazon would reduce itself to the level of AOL and every other company with shady cancellation procedures. It’s clearly a business practice that’s put in place with the intention of discouraging cancellations. After all, if the customer can’t quickly figure out how to cancel, they’re more likely to give up and just keep the subscription. The cancellation process should be just as simple as the purchasing one.

Amazon, is it really worth sacrificing your sparkling customer service record just to reduce subscription cancellations? That seems like an awful trade-off to me.

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