Raetian_Tales_SmallDiane Duane has posted to her blog that, in an effort to expose it to more readers, she is moving her currently free novel A Wind from the South to Amazon.com for Kindle sales. She explains that since Amazon won’t let her give it away for free, and she has to charge at least the Amazon price elsewhere, the price of the e-book on her on-line store will be rising from free to whatever Amazon makes her charge. The price for the EPUB edition will rise to match, though Barnes & Noble won’t let authors self-publish without a US bank account yet so it won’t be available directly through the Nook store until that happens.

Hence today, March 1, is the last chance to download the e-book for free—either from its blog page or from Duane’s own on-line store (requires registration to “purchase” and download).

While it’s a little sad that the free version is going away (as it was when Jeffrey Carver did the same with his free downloads), it would be ungrateful to complain after having had it available for so long (though it would have been nice to have a little more advance warning it was going away). Hopefully the move will bring it more exposure to people who are casual enough fans to like Duane’s writing but not be aware of her Internet presence. (And hopefully it will bring her some cash, too. Cash is very healthy for writers. Lots of fiber.)


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