image The Kindle, of course, is DRM Nightmare Central and even comes with a Big Brotherish wrinkle to let Amazon spy on you, lest you even think about violating the terms of service.

I’m grateful to Jeff Bezos and friends for talking up E to the world at large, however, and meanwhile the Kindle continues to imagemake inroads within the world of publishing. One of the latest Kindle paeans is from a literary agent in Denver named Krista Nelson, owner of the Nelson Literary Agency. “I love having 2 full manuscripts and 20 partials in one easy to store, easy to hold reader,” she recently blogged. “No more back pain. No paper to lug around. No heavy laptop that needs to sit on my lap to read. And I  bought a new purse (another benefit!) that can easily hold my cell phone, Kindle, sunglasses, wallet, spare parts, etc.”

She also like the adjustable font sizes, the ability to take her e-library anywhere, the clipping and annotations capabilities, and being able to e-mail documents to herself before she forgets.

Among Nelson’s suggested improvements: Flexible folders for organizing documents, a reader light, a touch interface and page-turning buttons that don’t so easily change pages by accident.

(Via Marion Gropen, who has her own suggestions for Jeff.)

Image: CC-licensed photo, by John Pastor.


  1. “Flexible folders for organizing documents, a reader light, a touch interface and page-turning buttons that don’t so easily change pages by accident.”

    *Any* sort of folder system would be a vast improvement. Trying to locate the 1 book out of 1,000 in one long list is not fun.

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