press release.jpgFrom the press release:

Ingram Content Group Inc. and Macmillan today announced a new distribution services model that will integrate Ingram’s print on demand (POD) and fulfillment capability with Macmillan’s publishing program.

Macmillan will use Ingram’s print on demand and physical distribution infrastructure to manage traditional inventory and POD for “”long tail” titles. Macmillan will continue to fully service its customer relationships from its primary warehouse in Virginia.

“Macmillan recognizes that during these times of change in the publishing industry, the traditional methods of solving the logistics and print business challenges cannot remain the same,” said Peter Garabedian, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Macmillan. “Ingram’s unique and fully integrated solution, offering physical fulfillment combined with a print on demand solution for titles that no longer make sense to print and hold, helps us reduce our overall inventory commitment and frees up capacity in our distribution center as well as resources to invest in the future success of our company.


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