From Matt McClintock, owner of the wonderful—home of thousands of free classics and other e-books in multiple formats…

image "Sorry for the delay—yep, I’m out of town, but not on vacation (unfortunately).

The night before I left on this trip there was a monster electrical storm and tornado in the area.

" made it through that alright, with a few reboots, but power to the entire neighborhood was shut off the day after I left, and when the systems were rebooted things looked kind of messed up.

"So, manybooks will be down until Monday.

"I’ve been looking at hosting plans and other solutions to keep manybooks going in a more reliable way, but life keeps getting in the way. A week or two of calm is all I’ll need."

Moderator’s reminder for owners of the iPhone and iPod Touch: will work with both the eReader program and Stanza (via the Mac or PC desktop companion app) – D.R.


  1. Sorry about that folks — there’s a combination of flakey DSL/router issues, combined with some big storms, thrown together with the fun of packing up everything we own for a move across the country. I’m doing my best to get the site in shape for a shift to a co-location facility, but until that’s complete I hope you’ll be patient (and try again if the site is down!).

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