Laurie ShapiroLaurie Gwen Shapiro, author of the novel The Matzo Ball Heiress will be in a chatcast Friday evening. Details here from OPAL.

This particular chatcast is sponsored by the library system in Johnson County, Kansas.

Correction, July 1: Tom Peters, the frequent chatcast moderator, couldn’t attend because of attending the ALA convention in New Orleans–not because of National Guard duty. Sorry about that mistake, Tom. Hey, we don’t want someone to see you in beautiful downtown Blue Springs, Missouri, and think you’re AWOL.


  1. Hi, Roland. No perfect anti-spam precautions, alas. That was handcrafted spam and, I guess, avoided the usual give-away words. What’s more, the other day I switched off one of the TeleBlog’s anti-spam filters to see if we could stop the comments of legit folks from being deleted at times. Maybe that’s why the dreck came through.

    Now–as for the specific spam that I zapped (the junk you’re commenting on). It was totally outside the mission of this blog. If the spammer returns, I will go to the bother of reporting him to Yahoo.


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