mobipocketlogo2Best of luck to Fictionwise, which is being dogged by Mobipocket-related problems that originated with Mobi, not FW. This is hardly the first time that Mobi has suffered woes. Anyone know of Mobi problems at other stores? Or elsewhere? Able to download Mobi books you’ve already paid for? Excerpt from FW e-mail dated 11:27 a.m.:

The Fictionwise bookshelf is back up. Mobi is still down with absolutely no word from them. We’ll keep trying but we’re getting auto-email replies to our main contacts over there (the auto-replies say they are on vacation).

The troubles have been going on since at least last night,

Update, 1:28 p.m.: BooksOnBoard also has Mobi problems as of now (thanks for further details, Igorsk). Presumably other stores do as well. Oh, the fun of centralized DRM—or DRM, period.

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