9ceb696e-2b7d-4cb9-81de-32a8f983d100One of the job hunting sites I used during my 16 months of unemployment was, of course, Monster.com. Through a savvy marketing campaign (including a number of Superbowl ads) Monster has gained a reputation as the place to go for posting jobs or résumés. I can’t say it particularly helped me (I got my current position through a local job fair), but I’m sure that it’s been helpful to plenty of others.

Mediabistro’s eBookNewser reports that Monster is selling an e-book, Six Fundamentals to Building a Lifelong Career, exclusively via Amazon for $7.99. It seems to be about, well, building a lifelong career. (Maybe I should read it.) Amazon has exclusivity for one year.

It is interesting to see Amazon continuing to sign these exclusive deals. This makes several Amazon e-book exclusives to hit the news, including the controversial Wylie Agency deal, and I haven’t heard about any such exclusives on Barnes & Noble or even Apple’s side. While exclusivity might be bad for the consumer, it’s certainly got to be helping Amazon.


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