In the wake of the TeleBlog’s positive review of the Cybook last month, interest seems to be building in the tablet e-book reader with the ten-inch screen. Over at MobileRead, Morpheus was curious about various details ranging from price to PDF, and here are replies from Bookeen. I earlier quoted Bookeen on the dust issue, but if you’re interested in the Cybook, it wouldn’t hurt to read more. Bookeen, by the way, plans to start a community forum, and I’ve suggested a mailing list and perhaps RSS feeds as well.

As the user of a long-term loaner, I remain interested in hearing from people about the pros and cons of the machine. One thing I’m hoping for is an improvement in browsing capability–the Windows CE Internet Explorer brower couldn’t display do justice to the MyYahoo page; it dropped the column where I had news headlines and RSS links. With a better, more up-to-date browser, life would be simpler in terms of downloading books. In that same vein, I’d love to see Bookeen sell a memory/Ethernet card–yes, two in one if that’s available from a good vendor. OK. I’m going to pass these thoughts on to Bookeen and see what might be possible. I’ll pass on the replies in an addendum to this post.

Back to format matters. Another reader curious about the Cybook tells me he wants to be able to download a digital edition of the New York Times. Alas, it’s in a cumbersome proprietary format. No wonder the Times can’t seem to attract many subscribers for it. This is the sort of stuff that OpenReader, a project in which I’m involved and which Bookeen has endorsed, will address.

Update, 4:48 a.m. EST: Here’s a partial reply from Michael Dahan at Bookeen, with more presumably to come: “With Mobipocket WebCompanion, you can extract automatically articles from numerous news Website (Herald Tribune,, It works a bit as AvantGo. You won


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