Dr. Ellen Hage graciously shared her wisdom on the Nokia N770’s White Screen of Death and other topics. Now Joseph Gray points to a super-informative WSoD link from Internet Tablet Talk.

“Basically,” he writes, “it says that some batches of N770 were produced with a design flaw that could possibly burn out the LCD controller when the device was powered on. If you have one of those defective units, there seems to be no way to know for sure, and the burnout could happen at any time, or never.

“The recommended fix for all N770’s is to not power-cycle them any more than absolutely necessary. Just put the device into sleep mode by closing the cover, instead.”


  1. I just don’t trust these electronic pocket devices anymore. Seems like screen death is common. I have a pocketpc (Asus Mypal) which I used sparingly. After some time the screen wouldn’t work anymore. I emailed Asus for repair info. (out of warranty). They just ignored my request. So much for Asus.

  2. Hi there,
    I am one of the unfortunate saps who has a nokia 770 and have the white screen problem. Is there anything that can be done about it other than contacting Nokia’s “extremely great” support center? Or has anyone actually sent their unit away for repairs and if so, what did the bill come to? Any honest response would be greatly appreciated. I had the unit for 2 months, (purchased used) and it konked out on me just over a year ago. It is only an issue now because I found it and would like to use it again.

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