
Nothing to do with ebooks, but too fascinating not to mention!  More in the article.

For the last six months, three orangutans at the Milwaukee County Zoo have had the pleasure of playing with a donated iPad a couple times a week, and guess what: They love it.

“We show them the iPad, and read them stories or let them have different apps,” said Jan Rafert, curator of primates and small mammals at the zoo. “We don’t let them hold them, but they can do some of the paint apps by sticking their fingers through the mesh.”

The orangutan iPad program, known as Apps for Apes, was started after the gorilla keeper at the zoo mentioned on her Facebook page that she’d like to get some iPads for her gorillas to play with, Rafert explained. It was kind of a joke, but a zoo volunteer took it seriously and donated a used iPad to the zoo. It turned out that the gorillas didn’t really enjoy the iPad — “they are more stoic,” said Rafert — but the orangutans went wild.”

(Via L.A. Times Tech Blog.)


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