download.jpegFrom the Threepress Consulting blog:

Thanks to Hatgirl on MobileRead for this great tip on integrating Ibis Reader with Baen free books:

If you use Ibis Reader, you will have seen the “Get Books” link. This allows you to view OPDS catalogs (lists of web-accessible ebooks). The Feedbooks catalogs are pre-installed, and some of you may have set up a Calibre/Dropbox OPDS catalog of your own library.

On a whim, I used the “Add Your Own Catalog” link to add the WebScription Stanza link,

It worked! I can access the Baen Free Library directly from Ibis Reader! In “Get Books” I click “Baen” (or whatever you named the OPDS link), then “Baen Free Library”, then the “Read” button next to the book I want to add to my Ibis Reader library. Yay!

Edited the above URL to go straight to the free books, bypassing the top-level catalog.

The Stanza catalog is an earlier form of OPDS, so some features like cover images won’t work in Ibis or other OPDS readers. If Baen updates their catalog to OPDS 1.0 then those features will be enabled, and we’d definitely consider adding it as a built-in catalog like the Feedbooks ones.

Please share any other OPDS catalogs that you’d like to see added (or at least listed as optional catalogs users can add themselves).

Read the original post.


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