image Own zillions of e-books in eReader? And do you want to enjoy them on your iPhone or Touch with Stanza—not just on, say, your Palm TX?

I hear you. Stanza, for example, offers far more font choices than eReader software does. And much to eReader’s credit, it’s letting Stanaza display even the DRMed flavor of the eReader format.

But what are specific how-tos involved?

Chris Meadows—who by the way has just come up with an Amazon/Mobi scoop with possible anti-trust ramifications—offers a handy tip in our comments section:

…you can download past purchases from both Fictionwise and eReader into Stanza. You just have to add “” and “” as websites in Stanza’s on-line catalog screen (hit the + at the lower right, then choose “web site”), then use the web browser to sign into your account there and download the eReader versions from your bookshelf. It is a good deal more complicated than doing it with eReader, alas.

About the screen shot: That’s eReader rather than Stanza shown. Click on the image for more detail.

Update: It is now possible to access personal content from the or bookshelves (but apparently not the plain-vanilla Fictionwise personal content bookshelf) via the “eReader Bookshelf” option in the Stanza Online Catalog. However, some titles (self-made or commercial) with either no or highly-detailed tables of contents will not work in the Stanza reader yet. —C.M.


  1. It seems like you could download personal content if you put it online at a private website or used a system like Dropbox where you can get online access to files you store for yourself. The limitation is that the iPhone doesn’t let a user install files for applications, so they have to get them over the network.

  2. Actually, the story isn’t quite correct anymore, as shortly after I wrote the comment quoted above, Stanza added the capacity to view personal bookshelves.

    Oddly enough, it only appears to allow accessing the personal content bookshelves for eReader and the Stanza.Fictionwise stores, not the plain Fictionwise stores.

    To further muddy the matter, some eReader books that have no or large tables of content won’t work yet in Stanza at all.

    I’m going to add an update to the article to show this. (David certainly does it enough for mine! 🙂

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