fallbackIf you live in (most areas of) the United States, you get an extra hour to sleep tonight as Daylight Saving Time ends! It’s time to “fall back,” so set your clocks back an hour before you crash out. If you don’t see this until tomorrow, it’s all right—you can set your clocks back after you get up instead. It’s not as if you’ll get in trouble or anything; the worst that can happen is you show up to church or work an hour early.

It’s funny to consider, but people actually have to set fewer and fewer clocks back these days in their personal lives. Anymore, most of the clocks we use are likely to be computerized, or on our tablets or smartphones—and those are usually smart enough to reset themselves now. Maybe someday we’ll have to reset hardly any clocks at all—even if we keep right on observing daylight saving time.

Personally, I wouldn’t object if we stopped observing it altogether—we’re so far beyond the kind of agricultural society that needs to worry about when it gets light or dark anymore that it’s simply not funny that we continue to do so. But inertia will have its way. And at least this time we get an extra hour to sleep, instead of losing one as we will in the spring.

Oh, and here’s something else to remember: it’s Daylight Saving, not “Savings,” Time. It’s all about how you’re allegedly “saving daylight.” You’re not depositing it in a bank account. (I wish you were; it would be nice to earn interest on the hour we lose in the spring…)

What are you planning to do with your extra time tonight?


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