Retailers are finally discounting Macmillan-published e-books – nearly two months after it settled its Department of Justice’s price fixing case.

Prices of e-books have been lowered on sites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, according to Publishers Lunch. This includes books such as Silver Linings Playbook, Killing Lincoln and Ender’s Game.

That leaves Penguin as the lone publisher that settled with the DOJ as to not have books discounted. Amazon is still hanging on to “This price was set by the publisher” tag on the site for Penguin books.

The Macmillan discounts have ranged from about $1 to $2 off the original price. Silver Linings Playbook, which got a huge bump from the Oscar-love from the movie adaptation, has been marked down to $7.99 from $9.99.

Hachette, Simon & Schuster and Harper Collins e-books have already been discounted.


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