imageWindows Live Writer is a great way to create and edit blog entries, but at least for WordPress, authors’ bylines don’t show up except in a menu item you need to look for. The default byline is mine.

Just now, alas, to my horror, I noticed that my byline rather than Richard Herley‘s was on the stellar Q&A with Matt McClintock of Was mine there from the start, or did the software burp later on?

At any rate, without any prompting from Richard, whom I mentioned in the tags, I’ve fixed the glitch, and I’m posting this notice here to make sure that everyone knows who did such a good job. Sorry, Richard!

Just for that, you get a special plug for your prize-winning Stone Arrow and the rest of your site, including your downloads page (shareware model in use). When people write for the TeleBlog, it’s imperative they enjoy proper credit!

Note: The Stone Arrow is also downloadable from Feedbooks and, yes, Ahead I’ll repro the blurb from the first edition:

“When the men of Burh, settlers from continental Europe, fall upon the sleeping nomad tribe in the depths of the forest amid the Downs of southern England, Tagart is the only survivor, escaping by sheer chance after his wife and young son have been massacred. Twenty-five and heir to the chiefdom of the roving hunters, he sees his only inheritance now to be an overwhelming urge for merciless revenge – of his family, his tribe and indeed of a way of life which in the England of 5,000 years ago is steadily being eroded by these tillers of the soil.

“Tagart’s first objective for his single-handed work of retribution is the fortified village of Burh (in what is now known as the Cuckmere Valley), and the means he uses are more subtle and deadly than any traditional form of attack. This story of his revenge, his subsequent savage enslavement by the new lords of the land and his escape with Segle, the beautiful sister of another captive, introduces a new author of considerable significance.

“Richard Herley writes with acute sense of place, of wind and weather, of wild life and of the background of Stone Age England when the countryside is in its last virgin state before civilization begins.”

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  1. My gratitude for your understanding, Richard. Now you and others at least know what happened. Because Windows Live Writer plays down bylines, I just might sin again–but at least everyone will be wise to the software’s tricks! Having had my entire PW archive wiped off the Net, I’m rather sensitive to the importance of respecting creators and creativity. – David

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