imageimageWired Correspondent Erin Biba, daughter of TeleRead Co-Editor Paul Biba, saw the new “Sherlock Holmes” movie and went on to download public domain books from the Holmes series.

Smart move. “Elementary, my dear Watson.” Here are Holmes-related listings for free e-books at:

Feedbooks. The Kindle-friendly mobile site is here, its Holmes section here. New Nook owners can read the ePub versions of these books at Feedbooks and the other sites.

Google books. Works with the Nook and with the Sony Reader.

Project Gutenberg.

You can also find free and paid Holmes books within the Kindle store.

Hello, Holmes fans? Which book would you rec to newbies, and why? The most popular Holmes book at yesterday—#2 on the Top 100 list—was The Adventures of Sherlock Homes. #25 was The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (thanks for the catch, Raymond).

Related: Wikipedia on Sir Conan Doyle (right photo) and Sherlock Holmes. Also see our guide to sources of free e-books.


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