IMG_0597-225x300.jpgGravitational Pull has a mini-review of Shakespeare Pro for the iPad. The author loves it:

There are already a lot of very nifty iPad apps, from Entertainment Weekly’s cool, interactive “Must List” to the show-me-the-radar greatness of Weatherbug to Amazon’s simple yet invaluable Kindle app. But so far, only one app has blown my mind: Shakespeare Pro. It cost $19.99 but it’s probably worth $199.99 if you a big fan of the bard.

Take a look if you are into Shakespeare.


  1. The free version doesn’t have as many features (just the plays and the concordance) but it’s a nice start if all you want to do is read the plays (and weighs a lot less than the pbook equivalent I have :-)).

    And there’s an ‘In App’ upgrade to the pro version if the free version doesn’t have enough features.

    Now, if only I could find an iPad version of the complete Sherlock Holmes in the same kind of format…

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