Shooting War“If you haven’t seen it yet, Shooting War’s a serialized graphic novel about the Iraq war, circa 2011 (with real audio that the writer captured in the battlefield), and was done for next to nothing.” – Larry Smith of Smith Magazine, in a Boing Boing item. Link here.

Hmm. I see not-so-intrusive advertising on the Smith site. Could graphic novels evolve into a largely ad-supported medium?


  1. The graphic novel “Argon Zark” was started on the internet back in 1995 by the artist Charley Parker. The website claims to be “The first and longest-running webcomic.” Here is a link to the latest page to give a sense of the style and the effort involved. Parker creates his comic using Photoshop, Bryce, and Kai’s Power Tools. I was impressed when I came across it a couple years after it started. (The last update was on 09/04/05.)

    Back in 1995 there was no substantial advertisement market for a freelance stand-alone website. To earn some money Charley Parker sold paper versions of his comic. A graphic novel based on the web comic is available at Amazon. Unobtrusive web ads could help some artists.

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