From Tom Peters:

NorwoodTuesday, March 28, 2006 beginning at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 1:00 Central, noon Mountain, 11:00 a.m. Pacific, and 7:00 p.m. GMT:

Book Discussion of Norwood, the short, comic, first novel by Charles Portis

Follow Norwood Pratt, a young man from Ralph, Texas, as he travels to New York City (and back) to recover a small debt owed him by a friend and to find true love. Along the way he abandons a car, rides the rails, shares a lunch of potted meat with an acquaintance, helps a little person get to the West Coast, and rescues an educated chicken.

NLS Braille version: BRA04514

This OPAL event will be held in the Auditorium.


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