St. Martin’s Press is issuing William S. Becker’s 100 Day Action Plan to Save the Planet exclusively in ebook form.

According to an article in Publisher’s Weekly the author and publisher thought that the ebook format was appropriate given the nature of the book. The book, priced at $9.95, is issued in Kindle, Mobipocket, PDF, eReader and Sony Reader format. No mention of EPUB.

While this may be encouraging, if you search the Macmillan site (St. Martin’s is an imprint of Macmillan) for the terms ebook or e-book you get the depressing return of 0 items found.


  1. St. Martin’s is not exactly progressive when it comes to ebooks. I did some research the other day and found that they are taking paperbacks that are priced at $6.99 or $7.99 on Amazon, and issuing them in ebook form, weeks after they’ve come out as paperbacks, for $14.00. (If you go to and seach on St. Martin’s, you’ll see all the $14.00 ebooks.) I’m sure there must be a marketing strategy behind this, but I can’t imagine what it could be.

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