stanza.jpgReceived this email from Dave.

I saw a note on the Lexcycle forum that Stanza was no longer listed in iTunes US Store. I just checked and it is no longer available in the Canadian store. I also noticed in the forum a rare posting from one of Stanza’s creators stating that there is currently no plans to update the application for iPad. One has to wonder what Amazon is doing… It is definitely worrying.

Wow! I just checked the US App Store and the Kindle App is still there, but Stanza is gone.


  1. Lexcycle have posted a forum comment to say that they are working with Apple to restore it – so perhaps it was a technical glitch. Good fun for a few moments though, expanding on conspiracies and dark plots!

  2. It’s the sync with calibre that I most like about it, on the plus side it won’t be removed from people who already have it and if iBook supports unprotected epub then that’s a possible reader, but I don’t like the part about going through itunes for that.

  3. I could never figure out why Amazon might want to buy Stanza unless it was to somehow kill it. I did not expect something this quickly however. I figured it would be gradually merged with the Kindle App. Who knows, this might be Apple deciding its “dangerous”.

  4. Personally, I would rate i2Reader higher than Txtr as a better ePub app for the iPhone. The pay version has very nice dictionary support (popup rather than taking you to another page). It also has customization that Txtr doesn’t and can natively connect to Calibre.

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