I’ve really been trying to ignore this story, as it’s more than a little silly, but it just keeps popping up everywhere!

It seems that a survey has drawn the conclusion that iPad owners “are the selfish elite”: “wealthy, sophisticated, and smart but don’t care about anybody else.”

According to Tim Koelkebeck of MyType, which carried out the survey, iPad owners are are six times more likely to be ‘wealthy, well-educated, power-hungry, over-achieving, sophisticated, unkind and non-altruistic 30-50-year-olds’.

They are self-centered workaholics with an overwhelming interest in business and finance who cherish ‘power and achievement’ and will not cross the street to help others, he added.

Ouch. (Good thing I don’t actually own my iPad, since it’s technically a review unit I received from TeleRead. I was starting to worry.)

But iPad haters don’t get off lightly either: critics are “independent geeks” who attack the iPad as an “identity statement”, which “helps them cope with their own failings.”

“As a mainstream, closed-platform device whose major claim to fame is ease of use and sex appeal, the iPad is everything that they are not,” says Koelkebeck.

So, essentially, those who like the iPad and those who hate it are both jerks, just for different reasons. Thanks, Tim, for clearing that up for us.


  1. Hmmm. The only descriptor which fits me is that I am well-educated. I’m by no means wealthy and am way past that age group, but I love my iPad. Also love my Kindle and will be getting the new one when it launches.

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