A sharp-eyed New Jersey librarian just spotted this Kindle deal, gang. Apologies if it’s old stuff, but it just might be better than any other Kindle discount so far. Yet another sign that new Kindles are on the way? Meanwhile, see why we love librarians around here? – D.R.

image Get the Amazon Rewards Visa Card and Get $100 Off Kindle

Thanks to Chase, you get $100 off Kindle when you get the new Amazon.com Rewards Visa Card. Limited time only. Here’s how this works: 1) Apply online. Get a response in as little as 30 seconds. If you’re approved, we will instantly add the card to your Amazon.com account and you’ll get $30 back on your credit card statement after your purchase. 2) Add a Kindle to your cart. 3) Place your order using the Amazon.com Rewards Visa Card and enter this promo code: VISACARD to get the additional $70 savings at checkout. Additional restrictions apply.

Note: The deal ends September 8 at 11:59 Pacific Time.


  1. That’s not what Jane Litte says:

    There are two “new” Amazon Kindles to appear for this holiday season, the first to appear in October. Given that the Kindle was released mid November 2007, I suspect it’s latter October rather than early October. The first is supposed to be the Kindle 2.0 with “same sized screen, a smaller form factor, and an improved interface”. The second is a larger Kindle, “shaped like an 8 1/2 x 11-inch piece of paper”, and due out in 2009. Both models are purported to come in more colors than the white and possibly aimed at the younger reader. E textbooks have increased 400% and thus Amazon’s marketing toward the student crowd may make perfect sense.

    Original source: this article on Crunchgear.

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