image Hmm. Maybe the headline someday could read “The Web and RSS habits of highly effective people.”

Doing a Steven Covey act, Granta‘s online edition queried a bunch of word people—no billionaire tycoons, politicians, terrorists or mixes thereof?—ranging from U.S. lit blogger Maud Newton to some journalists and literary agents. She’s in the photo to the left. I could have spotted her quotes even without a name attached; not only did her selections tend to be offbeat, but she made the best use of hyperlinks in her reply.

As a group, the “highly effective” folks, at least in the U.K., Granta’s location, tend to go for mainstream sites to an even greater extent than I thought they would.

Here at the TeleBlog—ugh, sometimes effective, sometimes not—I check in at other e-book-related sites, but rely most of all on RSS and Web-based aggregators. Just a few of the 13 Effectives mentioned RSS, including Jonathan Derbyshire, who said he hoped to learn to use feeds one day.

One good bet, wisely noted by Derbyshire and two others: Arts and Letters Daily, from the Chronicle of Higher Education people.

Your own tips on sites and RSS/Web reading: Rec away!

Related: Newton write-up of the Granta write-up.


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