Lee Cohen’s post at PalmAddicts (link added)…

palmtx4 Sammy, I’m using a TX in Pennsylvania, no crashes just stability and the option to run hundreds of programs, hook into any WiFi hotspot and grab my email. I especially love the fact that I can take advantage of the large screen and read e-books on the go. Of course, I read PalmAddicts, Washington Post and the NYTimes during my coffee break. Palm should market these devices as portable eReaders, there is a market ready to be had, Palm.

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  1. David, as you know the TX has beenmy favorite ebook reader for the last 3-4 years. I’ve now about 400 ebooks on my TX. Many purchased at eReader and Books on Board. Also lots from various free sites such as the U. of Virginia. Now my wife’s caught the bug. Good thing I bought a second TX about two years ago.

    I’m also using it to watch my home cablevision through Slingbox when I’m on vacation. It drives the employees at the Apple store crazy when I bleed off the store’s internet and watch the news from New York. Prior to the TX I used Palms back to the original Pilot to read books. Just checked and my earliest purchase of a Palm ebook was in 2001. I still have my Rocket-ebook from prior to 2000. I’ve written to the folks at Palm before about selling their products more aggressively in schools. I’m happy to see that eReader is available for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

  2. I’ve been using it as an ereader the last two years, but I’m not terribly satisfied with the arrangement. I don’t have trouble reading on an LCD, but the constant scrolling has actually made my thumb sore.

    That and my current TX is the second one I’ve owned where the touchscreen has started going wonky around the edges. Palm replaced the first one under warranty (and duress).

  3. Is there a limit to how many ebooks you can have on your TX? Everytime I get much over 500 files, trying to open the newer stories makes my TX reboot itself. Would that be a problem with the Palm OS, or with E-Reader?

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