tv_guide_logo Together again! TV Guide magazine, the long-running television schedule publication, has come to an arrangement with its estranged TV Guide Network and sister publications to share content.

The properties have been under separate ownership since 2008, when their owner Macrovision (who acquired TV Guide along with its owner Gemstar, who had previously bought the maker of the Rocketbook) split them up to sell them. The print magazine was doing so poorly at that point that Macrovision felt it could do better by selling the website and network without the magazine’s liabilities attached.

As a result, the magazine ended up owned by OpenGate Capital, and the website and network went to the Lionsgate film and TV company. The magazine created a new website for itself,, but most traffic still went to

Now the owners of the magazine and website have arranged to share each other’s content, meaning that will redirect browsers to, and will carry TV Guide Magazine articles. However, the businesses will still remain separate, with separate advertising teams.


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