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From the press release:

VIVMag, the all-digital, luxury lifestyle magazine for women, has been awarded the Eddie for “Best Digital Edition” in the consumer category in FOLIO: Magazine‘s 2011 Eddie Awards.  The awards program celebrates excellence in magazine editorial.  VIVMag‘s March/April 2011 issue featuring actress Jane Leeves on the cover secured the award honors for the publication.

VIVMag does things differently. While committed to creating beautiful covers and stories, we combine these with interactive components, including audio and video, to provide a truly engaging experience for our readers,” said Anne M. Russell, editor-in-chief, VIVMag. “Taking home this honor from one of the magazine industry’s top authorities validates why we consistently pour our hearts into every detail in every issue.”

Owned by VIV Publishing LLC and founded in 2006, VIVMag, the first exclusively digital women’s luxury and lifestyle magazine, is on the cutting edge of digital publishing.  Each issue pushes the boundaries of technology and style with multi-layered, interactive features and rich media.  Features like “Mix & Match,” where the user can change combinations of the model’s accessories with the touch of a finger, engage readers in ways that print media cannot, adding depth and value into the reading experience.


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