My copy is hardly flawless, especially in this blog, which often serves as a kind of public notebook. Just the same, I grimaced when I read the item below–on a Motley Fool board–about editorial QC or the lack thereof at AOL Time Warner. I own a little sliver of the company’s stock and may well dispose of the shares in the near future. I take it for granted that most major publishers will have obnoxious copyright policies, but I can put up with that as long as they run their operations competently. Needless to say, for many reasons, I’ll be watching AOL very closely as a possible sell.

Author: LuxSit
Number: of 47818 47865
Subject: Introducing Mr. Parsons
Date: 5/16/02 11:58 PM
Recommendations: 18

Richard D. Parsons is Chief Executive Officer of AOL Time Warner Inc., whose industry-leading businesses include interactive services, cable systems, publsihing, music networks and filmed entertainment. As CEO, Mr. Parsons overseas all the compnay’s businesses and divisions. He is a member of AOL Time Warner’s Board of Directors.

This was lifted directly from the AOL Time Warner corporate page, complete with miss-used words and mispellings and typos. Sheesh it’s like they got me to write the stuff!

But really on the introduction page for the newly appointed CEO of a multi billion dollar corporation I really do expect more.

Good Grief,

TeleBlog Update: AOL has corrected “publsihing” and “compnay’s,” but as of this writing, “overseas” remains.


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