BaenComputerworld is out with a piece on DRM squabbles among Apple and Microsoft and the rest. How much will this harm Apple, especially with the iPhone coming out with a 3.5 inch, 160-dpi display fit for e-reading? Or will rival e-book-formats and DRM systems suffer instead, assuming that Apple has its own book format and DRM?

Related in CW: Experts debate: Is DRM good or bad for consumers? and a letter-to-the-editor, headlined How to Succeed at Publishing E-books. Reader Douglas Jones praises Baen‘s DRM-free publishing, in addition to condemning a nonBaen proposal to charge readers $3 to read a book just once.

And speaking of the Apple world: Don’t forget about the recently announced Mac tablet clone just mentioned by Bill Janssen—alas, “only $2,199” and up. You might also check out David Pogue’s iPhone-related New York Times column and a Time piece if you haven’t already. “Sounds like it might be what the Nokia N770 or the PepperPad could have been,” says Bill—excited by the iPhone’s potential Web-browsing capabilities for e-book-reading. Also see thread on eBook Community list.

Housekeeping—in more senses than one: There’ll be least one or two more TeleBlog items later in the day. Meanwhile the TeleMouse, aka Osama bin Mouse, is still at large. Thanks to all who shared extermination tips. Search-and-destroy will get more serious later in the week when I’m past some deadlines.


  1. It’s probably Osama bin Mice, not mouse. Maybe your pest control is working – it just takes a while to get rid of the whole bunch of them. We have a product called “Talon” in Australia thet is very effective, also comes in a little bait box which keeps it safely away from my backyard lizards. Now if I could just train to lizards to eat the mice…..

    On the HTML issue for books – what is the main problem with using HTML for e-books? It seems quite effective because of the hyperlinks and being able to resize fonts etc. Is it just too easy to copy or alter or are there other issues?

    [Moderator’s note: See this post.David Rothman]

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