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From E-Reader-Info:

Delta Electronics is developing e-paper technologies (based on Bridgestone’s color E-Paper technology), andplanned to launch a 8.2″ and 13.1″ color e-readers soon. But now we hear that the company says that e-reader demand is not strong currently (the market was severely impacted by tablets) and the company decided to wait for the right time to enter the market. The company is still optimistic about the future potential of e-paper applications.

Delta invested NT2-3 billion (which is about $70-$105 million) in e-paper production in its plants in Taiwan. Delta currently produces e-paper for labels, magazine and digital signage.


  1. “But now we hear that the company says that e-reader demand is not strong currently ”

    This is the common excuse given when other issues are the real reason – lack of capital – technical development issues etc. I don’t believe a word of it.

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