
From The Bookseller:

The digital publishing market is now worth 6% of UK publishers’ sales, the Publishers Association has revealed, with consumer digital sales up more than 300% in 2010 to £16m—the third year of treble digit growth.

The PA estimated that the total e-book market was now close to £20m.

The figures are revealed in the PA’s annual yearbook, which showed that total book sales increased by 2% in value terms to £3.1bn over the past year, while the volume of sales has fallen by 3% to £739m. Export sales rose 4% to £1.25bn and represent 40% of publishers’ revenues. …

The PA said that combined digital sales, including academic, professional and schools, grew to £120m in 2010, representing growth of 38%. The largest segment was the academic and professional field with digital sales of £84m, showing growth of 29%. The market share of consumer digital sales of e-books and downloads increased from 2% to 11% of all digital sales from 2009 to 2010.

More info in the article.


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