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This article in The Wall Street Journal prompted me to check Amazon to see if the work was available in ebook form.  It is now on pre-order for delivery on October 25.  Priced at $14.99.  I ordered it.  Amazon also has a fairly good Kindle selection of his other works.

Haruki Murakami, whose surreal stories feature talking cats, giant frogs and fish that fall from the sky, has been labeled a cult author.

But with more than two million copies of his books sold in the U.S., the Japanese writer is aiming to outgrow that title. His work has been translated into 42 languages. His latest novel, the mammoth trilogy “1Q84,” sold four million copies in Japan. It’s being published in 28 countries outside of Asia.

His U.S. publisher, Knopf, hopes the international hype surrounding “1Q84,” and the book’s ambitious scope will broaden his American audience. “He’s been under the radar for a lot of Americans,” says Knopf publicity director Paul Bogaards.

Mr. Murakami’s English-speaking fans have waited for more than two years for a translation of “1Q84,” which came out in Japan in 2009. Literary blogs have breathlessly covered revelations about the novel’s plot, opening passage and cover design. One ardent fan has translated passages into English and posted bits on his blog. Some U.S. bookstores will stay open until midnight when the book goes on sale Oct. 25. This week, Knopf ordered a second printing to meet high bookseller demand, bringing the number of copies to 90,000, up from a first printing of 75,000.


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