Screen shot 2009-12-10 at 12.33.18 PM.pngI got the following email from Johannes Haupt in Germany:

Apple last night approved Version 2.0 of the txtr iPhone App a which is (as far as i know) the first app which support Adobe DRM. txtr – known for their soon-to-be-published eBook Reader – offers 20.000 commercial eBooks plus stuff of several public domain sources (including Project Gutenberg) on their platform. You can upload DRMed eBooks bought at other places as well to your (free) account @ which and sync them with your iPhone, so the App becomes an universal reading tool for DRM-files. I’ve tried it, works perfect. (iTunes)

The first link, above, will take you to a German article. Of the 20,000 books Johannes mentions about 8,000 are in English.


  1. As some of you know, I am working at txtr. You know what? We can not sell our books to you, no matter how much we want to. – Because books come with regional licenses, and even though they are just a bunch of bytes floating through the intarwebs, the current rights situation limits where we are allowed to let them flow to. So, no txtr Store in the US of A for now. Until we have acquired American licenses, and implemented a process to separate our platform into different regions.

    On the other hand, it is technically possible to import Adobe DRM files that you have bought elsewhere into the txtr application. But at the moment that would require a working DRM pairing between your Adobe ID and txtr, which at the moment won’t work without a German authentication (usually via credit card). This is not a legal, but only a technical problem, however, and we will build a solution for it soon.

  2. I just installed it on my phone. Then created an account on the txtr site and uploaded a non-protected PDF and an ePub. They downloaded to my phone pretty much immediately and I was able to read them. The UI does have some “room for improvement”, but very cool to see the ePub renderer running in the first “Apple Approved” app. Congrats to the folks at txtr.

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