GI 103057 CLASSICS CLIG 047 20000Leagues 000 01

From the press release:

Trajectory has announced the Spanish edition of the children’s classic 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. This Classics Illustrated graphic novel has been designed and packaged to be read on the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. eBook readers may download this classic today at the Apple iBookstore, in the Libros en Espanol category.

20,000 Leagues is a classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne. Verne’s imaginings where quite prophetic, with vivid descriptions of submarines capable of diving into deep oceans. Over 120 English editions of Classics Illustrated graphic novels and comics are currently available at the Apple iBookstore. The series includes War of the Worlds, Snow White, Treasure Island, Jane Eyre, Alice in Wonderland, The Three Musketeers, Robin Hood, Hamlet, Huckleberry Finn, The Count of Monte Cristo, and over one hundred more.

Classics Illustrated are illustrated adaptations of traditional literature, non-fiction and biographies. The CI series includes folktales, myths, epics, legends, fables that have been passed down by storytellers for hundreds, even thousands, of years to enlighten and entertain generations of listeners, young and old.

According to William B. Jones, Jr., author of Classics Illustrated A Cultural History, “Classics Illustrated was the most successful series of its kind, outdistancing all competitors and successors in terms of print distribution and circulation. It was considered one of the largest children’s publication of any kind in the world.”

Jim Bryant, Trajectory’s CEO indicated, “ This Spanish edition is now available to 450 million native Spanish speakers and extends the series’ reputation as a fine educational tool to the Spanish language market.”

About Trajectory Inc
Trajectory is a Cambridge, MA based technology and marketing oriented publishing company that collaborates with leading authors, artists, and traditional publishers. Trajectory has over 130 eBooks and apps in distribution. 


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